Arca Team

Who is ARCA team?

  ARCA Romanian Forum for Refugees and Migrants is a Romanian non-governmental, non-political and non-denominational organization, with a humanitarian character, established in 1998.

Arca Team

What is our goal?

    The ARCA FRRM team aims to defend and promote fundamental human rights. Especially refugees, people who have obtained subsidiary protection and other categories of migrants. At the same time, ARCA FRRM aims to facilitate their sustainable integration into Romanian society.

ARCA organization

    Our monitors the integration of refugees and the improvement of legislation in the field through advocacy and lobbying activities in collaboration with public and private actors in the field of migration and asylum.

The purpose of ARCA

Romanian Forum for Refugees and Migrants

    It is to support the fulfillment of the potential of each person who takes refuge, migrates or repatriates to Romania in order to facilitate their integration into Romanian society.


Razvan Samoilă

Razvan Samoilă

Department of Management
Executive Director
Mihaela Buzdugă

Mihaela Buzdugă

Project Implementation Department
Legal and Vocational Advisor
Irina Cojocariu

Irina Cojocariu

Department of Project Writing and Project Implementation Assistance
Alireza J

Alireza J

Project Implementation Department
Operational Manager/ Cultural Facilitator

The ARCA team is counting on you too

Being a non-profit organization ARCA FRRM relies on the help of partners, funders and everyone who wants to give us a helping hand to reach our goal. You too can help ARCA FRRM: How? It’s easy, be an ARCA volunteer or donate and help us make life easier for refugees and migrants.
