We are continuously concentrating our efforts to provide assistance to our beneficiaries
According to the Convention on the Status of Refugees from 1951, the basic document of the international protection of refugees, a refugee is a person who “due to a justified fear of being persecuted because of his race, religion, nationality, membership of a certain social group or his political opinions, he is outside the country of which he is a citizen and who cannot or, because of this fear, does not want the protection of this country.”
The term migrant refers to any person who migrates. However, the connotation assigned to the term is of a person who migrates to improve his life by finding a job abroad. Or in some cases who migrates for education, family reunification or other reasons.
That person who has submitted an application for asylum and is in the asylum procedure, until the moment they receives the protection of the state in which he submitted the application.
Any foreigner, regardless of the country of origin, located on Romanian territory or at a border crossing point, can submit an asylum application requesting the protection of the Romanian state.
Refugee status is granted to a foreign citizen who, following a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, political opinions or belonging to a certain social group, is outside the country of origin and who cannot or he does not want the protection of this country.
Subsidiary protection is granted to persons who do not meet the conditions to receive refugee status and is conditional on the existence of serious reasons to believe that, if the asylum seeker is returned to the country of origin, he risks suffering an injury to his rights, consisting of:
The refugee status offers the same rights and obligations as any Romanian citizen. The refugee also benefits from a non-refundable aid of 540/month for 6 months, which can be extended by another 3 months. In addition, it is possible to obtain a partial coverage of the costs of renting a house, for a maximum period of 6 months, provided that they actively participate in the integration program organized by the General Inspectorate for Immigration.
The integration program includes cultural accommodation, psychological counseling, learning the Romanian language and social counseling regarding access to the rights they have in Romania: the right to a job, the right to a home, the right to medical and social assistance, social insurance, the right to education.
Subsidiary protection is granted to those who do not exactly meet the conditions for the recognition of refugee status, if there are nevertheless solid reasons to believe that they will be exposed to a serious risk in the case of return to the country of origin, respectively to the country where they had their usual residence. Persons granted subsidiary protection enjoy, in fact, the same rights as refugees.
In this way, Arca thanks the sponsors who were kind enough to extend a helping hand to those in need. Without their help, our effort would have been much more difficult.
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