Project for Ukrainian Refugees - Results

    On 9th of October 2024, ARCA – Romanian Forum for Refugees and Migrants, as partner of Mareena from Slovakia, Open Cultural Center Greece and Open Cultural Center Spain that cooperated within the project Ukraine Now, has held an online conference to disseminate the collaborative results of the current project, part of the Erasmus+ Programme and co-funded by the European Union.

“UKRAINE NOW” was a KA2 Erasmus+ Project implemented from November 2022 to October 2024, aimed to respond to the arrival of refugees from Ukraine after the start of the war by training youth workers in the field of awareness raising and refugee inclusion.


The project’s Key Objectives can be read below:

  • Develop and test a methodology for raising awareness campaigns;
    Develop and test a methodology for raising awareness campaigns;
  • Train youth workers to transfer educational methods from non-emergency into crisis contexts;
  • Share best practices to adapt long-term educational services to a new target group;
  • Engage European Youth in a response to this crisis through volunteering;
  • Strengthen capacities of youth workers in the sector of refugee inclusion.

During the direct implementation of the activities, the following tools and materials have been developed, as fruits of the common efforts of all project organizations:

*click to download document

You can also go through the online conference presentation shared with you here (link). For more information you can email us at .
