Our projects denote our dedication to refugees and migrants

Projects in progress

"CALL Now"

One of our projects for improving the living conditions of refugees with the host population and social cohesion in Romania through ICLA and UDOC Programming


"ARCA's club"

For Ukrainian mothers and children

Our Projects

The rights of migrants

The rights of migrants with regulated residence in Central Europe

The rights of migrants with regulated residence in Central Europe Principal Applicant Association for Legal...
Promoting the image of third-country nationals

Promoting the image of the third-country nationals

Promoting the image of third-country nationals in Romania and effective solutions for their integration into...
Asylum seekers

Asylum seekers

Asylum seekers from Romania – Assistance and facilities Improving the standard of living of today’s...

Previous projects

Assistance to Kosovo refugees for integration


Organization of activities in the Sărata Monteoru camp and assistance to refugees from Kosovo for integration.
Project carried out in collaboration with the Romanian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Activities and support:

Welcome to Romania


ARCA FRRM launches the "Welcome to Romania" project

Improving the conditions of third country nationals regarding their rights, obligations, as well as the possibilities of integration into Romanian society.

Building a better life - project to support refugee children.


Implementation period: January-December 2006

Information, advice and support centre


Funder: Ministry of Labour, Social Welfare and Family

Implementation period: January-December 2006

Building a better life - project to support refugee children.


Global Ministries of the United Churches in the Netherlands

Implementation period: January-December 2006

Action 3 "Act / let"s act!"


Funder: European Community, Youth Programme

Implementation period: June-August 2006
