dreptul migrantilor

The rights of migrants with regulated residence in Central Europe
The rights of migrants with regulated residence in Central Europe Principal Applicant Association for Legal Intervention (SIP) – Poland Partners ARCA – Romanian Forum for Refugees and Migrants, Association for Integration and Migration (Czech Republic), Menedék – Hungarian Association for Migrants (Hungary), The Human Rights League (Slovakia) Implementation period 2012 – 2015 Sponsors EPIM – European Program for Integration and Migration Human rights include the rights of migrants. ARCA supports and promotes the rights of migrants, including those who work without having legal forms of residence. The objective of the project consists in monitoring the implementation and execution of the provisions of Directive 2009 /52 / CE (establishing minimum standards regarding sanctions and measures for employers of third-country nationals in a situation of illegal stay) in each partner state, as well as the elaboration of recommendations in this regard. The right of migrants and access to the labor market Also, the project aims to protect the rights of immigrant workers without legal forms of residence in Romania. In this sense, we want specialized legal assistance to be granted. And you can help a migrant or a refugee. You can offer him a job and you can help him to integrate more easily.
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