
Month: January 2023

Benzi desenate pentru egalitate
Finished Projects

Benzi desenate pentru egalitate

Benzi desenate pentru egalitate Finațat de Uniunea Europeană – Programul de drepturi fundamentae și cetățenie- noiembrie 2012 Beneficiar Africa e Mediterraneo (Italia) Parteneri Mondo (Estonia), Fundatia Workshop for Civic Initiatives (Bulgaria), ARCA – Forumul Roman pentru Refugiati si Migranti (Romania) si Grafiskie stasti (Letonia)     Proiectul ComiX4= Benzi desenate pentru egalitate se bazeaza pe nevoia de a promova dezvoltarea unei societati europene axate pe respectul drepturilor omului si a luptei impotriva rasismului, xenofobiei si a altor forme de intoleranta. Aceste lucruri sunt din ce in ce mai importante ca urmare a largirii continue a Uniunii Europene. Aceasta și în corelație cu rolurile pe care le joaca tarile europene ca puncte de destinatie pentru migrantii din interiorul si din afara statelor europene. Maniera cea mai efectiva de a indeplini acest obiectiv este promovarea înțelegerii reciproce și a dialogului.     Proiectul ComiX4= Benzi desenate pentru egalitate  isi propune sa incurajeze dialogul intercultural pentru a combate rasismul, xenofobia si discriminarea in Europa. Proiectul se axează în principal pe Italia, Bulgaria, Estonia, Romania si Letonia. Pentru a atinge acest șel, proiectul include migranți si migranti la a doua generatie. Aceste categorii fiind deseori supuse discriminarii in realizarea de resurse artistice – mai exact benzi desenate – pentru a fi folosite in combaterea rasismului si xenofobiei.    Principalele activitati includ:  O competitie pentru a premia cele mai bune benzi desenate nepublicate ale autorilor provenind din mediul migrant Premiul ComiX4= Benzi desenate pentru egalitate Website-ul interactiv www.comix4equality.eu Un catalog de 80 de pagini continand cele mai bune benzi desenate depuse in cursa pentru premiu Un “Manual de benzi desenate” pentru a fi folosit in organizarea de workshopuri creative informale O expozitie itineranta de benzi desenate si workshopuri de benzi desenate ce urmeaza fi organizate in diverse tari din Europa.     Arca dorește să aducă mulțumiri partenerilor și tuturor celor implicați în acest proiect.

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The rights of migrants
Finished Projects

The rights of migrants with regulated residence in Central Europe

The rights of migrants with regulated residence in Central Europe Principal Applicant Association for Legal Intervention (SIP) – Poland Partners ARCA – Romanian Forum for Refugees and Migrants, Association for Integration and Migration (Czech Republic), Menedék – Hungarian Association for Migrants (Hungary), The Human Rights League (Slovakia) Implementation period 2012 – 2015 Sponsors EPIM – European Program for Integration and Migration Human rights include the rights of migrants. ARCA supports and promotes the rights of migrants, including those who work without having legal forms of residence.     The objective of the project consists in monitoring the implementation and execution of the provisions of Directive 2009 /52 / CE (establishing minimum standards regarding sanctions and measures for employers of third-country nationals in a situation of illegal stay) in each partner state, as well as the elaboration of recommendations in this regard. The right of migrants and access to the labor market   Also, the project aims to protect the rights of immigrant workers without legal forms of residence in Romania. In this sense, we want specialized legal assistance to be granted.   And you can help a migrant or a refugee. You can offer him a job and you can help him to integrate more easily.

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Promoting the image of third-country nationals
Finished Projects

Promoting the image of the third-country nationals

Promoting the image of third-country nationals in Romania and effective solutions for their integration into Romanian society Principal Applicant ARCA – Forumul Român pentru Refugiați și Migranți General Program: “Solidarity and management of migratory flows”, Annual Program 2011-2013 Implementation period July 2012 – June 2015 Promoting the image of third-part nationals is a process meant to make public society responsible and also to inform it. We want to bring to society’s attention aspects related to the problems that migrants and refugees may face. We want to do this to make their cause better understood.   General objective of the project is to facilitate the integration of third country-nationals (RTT) with the right of residence in Romania. The objective is to be achieved by providing socio-economic and educational assistance. Last but not least, we want to take into account the improvement and especially the promotion of the image of these people in Romanian society. Promoting the image of the third-country nationals      Also, Romanian language courses will be organized, vocational courses aimed at learning professional skills, starting to use the computer, priority assistance for vulnerable cases (old people, children, women, single-parent families, people with disabilities, etc.). The project aims to facilitate access to the labor market and to a home. Above all it aims to facilitate education and to the knowledge of the Romanian language thus contributing. But last but not least, it aims at a better integration of these people into Romanian society. In conclusion, we believe that this project can make an essential contribution to the integration process of migrants and refugees.

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Asylum seekers
Finished Projects

Asylum seekers

Asylum seekers from Romania – Assistance and facilities Improving the standard of living of today’s claimants and their accountability model Principal Applicant AidRom – Ecumenical Association of Churches from Romania Partner ARCA – Romanian Forum for Refugees and Migrants Implementation period July 2012 – June 2015 General Program: “Solidarity and management of migratory flows”, European Refugee Fund Venue(s): Bucharest, Galati, Suceava-Rădăuţi, Timisoara, Baia Mare- Somcuta Mare, Giurgiu. The general objective: improving the situation for asylum seekers from Romania   In order to achieve the objective, a new strategy approach was chosen in their relationship with the host community. In addition, the promotion of a system of complementary assistance and specialized services was implemented in order to increase the standard of living of asylum seekers in Romania.    The project aims to achieve its objectives by offering assistance, counseling and complementary facilities for asylum seekers, consisting of: Providing them with complete and correct information on the set of socio-economic rights and legal obligations that asylum seekers have. Social counseling services and effective material assistance in order to improve the living standards of asylum seekers. Support in order to ensure access to complementary medical services. Accessing a set of educational services that include learning the Romanian language. Cultural and recreational activities, the development of professional skills, in order to accommodate this category of persons to the characteristics of Romanian society. Emergency Center for asylum seekers     Specifically, emphasis will be placed on the assistance and facilities granted to asylum seekers belonging to vulnerable categories. This project also involves the opening of an Emergency Center in Timisoara for those who belonging to vulnerable categories. Especially for women, unaccompanied minors, single-parent families or people with disabilities to supplement the number of zonal accommodation places.    This complementary assistance plan is based on the principle of making asylum seekers responsible during their stay in Romania. At the same time, the aim is to initiate and maintain an open and effective dialogue between this category of refugees and representatives of the host community. The involvement of relevant actors from the public, private and civil society sectors is essential to be able to offer the assistance and individualized services presented. This aspect is essential in order to make the process of responsibility, involvement, education, information and recreation of SA more efficient, as well as their adaptation to the cultural peculiarities of Romanian society.

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